Numeri di telefono locali espressi in alcuni paesi:

Stati Uniti USPS Tel: 1-800-222-1811 o 1-800-2758-777

Royal Mail Tel: 034560006060, 08457950950, 03457740740

Austria DHL Tel: 43820550505

Irlanda Tel: (+353 1 ) 705 7600

Belga: (+32) 2 201 23 45

Svezia: (+46) 0771-410440 /0771-33 33 10 /0771-410440

Francia: 0033 (0)825 10 00 80/33-472-613010/0820 20 80 80 /33 14162 9188

Germania: 49 1805 345 3001 / 49 2173 390 6064/492284333112 /85222186888/886800769888

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